According to my Achievement Progress bar on my Xbox, that's out of a total of a possible 332,290. 30 percent! Making it to my goal of 35% by year's end may be difficult with all the upcoming new releases. I started 6 new games this month, and only managed to finish two of them. Catherine is hard!
I increased my score by 3,570 during the month of August, finishing 4 games.
Finished Game Breakdown:
Lego Star Wars III The Clone Wars: 400 of 1000 gamerscore. Lego games are still mostly the same. They haven't really fixed the problems from previous games... the vehicles are absolutely atrocious. But they add new stuff, but they aren't fleshed out enough to improve the experience.
Transformers The Game: 1000 out of 1000 gamerpoints. This game would have been a lot better if it had just ended one story level shorter than it was. There were annoying parts to the game, such as the whole uber-slow lifting function, that didn't bog down the game too much until the final levels where they all became overused. Oh and having to track down 100 hidden items in each level wouldn't have been as annoying if you didn't have to do it in the same map three times.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: 870 of 1000 achievement points. After finishing Deathly Hallows Pt 1, I realized I hadn't finished this game. Now I have. And I am 3 achievements away from 100-percenting it. More hidden-item hunting, yay.
Call of Juarez The Cartel: 630 out of 1000 gamerscore. This is just one of those middle-tier shooters that really fails to make much of an impression. It wasn't really very good, and it wasn't broken. It was just kinda there, cussing at you.
So, just kind of an average month. Not overly impressive, despite the 100k milestone. Four finished games down, only 6 to go. Will I break that mark in September? Could happen!