Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gaming Goals 2011 - First Week

Steady progress is the name of the game so far.

For me to achieve my goal of raising my Achievement percentage to 35% by year's end, I'll have to average about 100 gamer points a day. I have increased my score by 990 in 9 days, so I am right on track. This was greatly helped out by gathering the last 400 or so points in Lego Batman. Lego games can be a bit of a grind, but achievements start freeflowing when you near 100% completion.
Of course, my target goal increases considering I started two new games (Splatterhouse and Limbo) so I will have to be careful and consistently finish these new games as I go.

I haven't actually finished any game since Lego Rock Band just over a week ago. So that goal hasn't been kept up to pace necessary so far. I'll need at least one completed game a week, plus a few extra to hit that 150 game mark by 2012. But I know there are a few games that I'm pretty close to finishing, such as Fallout 3. I just want to complete more side-missions before wrapping up the main quest. And I know Limbo is a short game overall, but I'm deliberately taking it slow to allow initial impressions of the game not heavily influence my review.

I finally started Mass Effect 2. I was waiting to get all the achievements from the first game, which I finally did last week. I am enjoying the new game quite a bit, even though it's differences in gameplay are a bit jarring. I sure don't like suddenly having to rely on limited ammunition. But I'm getting used to it.

As for Splatterhouse... it is what it is. I got the game most looking forward to unlocking the classic games, which I don't think I ever played but I sure remember the comic book ads for the Turbo-Graphix 16 versions. So far, the game is fun in short bursts.

Looking forward to the rest of January... there seems to be a lot of distractions on the horizon, all of them involving the Playstation 3. I plan to get Littlebigplanet 2, DC Universe Online, and Dead Space 2 for the PS3. The good news is that since they're on the PS3, I don't have to worry about them messing up my gamerscore average, but they will draw a lot of time away from my Xbox and my march towards a decent score.
I'm not sure how much I'll actually play Littlebigplanet 2. Surprise, surprise: I never finished the first one. I was only playing that with my friends when we gathered for game night, and when our game night stopped existing, so did progress on that game. This one I'll try for a while by myself, and see how it goes. I might try my hand at designing a level based on my comics and see if I can get anything to resemble something familiar.
I never played an actual MMO, so I eagerly look forward to DCU. I own Final Fantasy XI for the 360, but I haven't felt the desire to put so much time in that old of a game... are the servers even still active for it? I plan to get as much use out of the free month of DC Universe, and then probably move on to other stuff. Don't want to pay a monthly subscription if I'm not going to be active. We'll see what type of new content they can entice players with to keep them coming back.
And I know Dead Space 2 is a multiplatform game. And even though I have the first one on the 360 (you guessed it, unfinished), I want to get the PS3 collector's edition for the inclusion of the port of the Wii rail-based shooter Dead Space Extraction. So, technically I supposed that makes 4 new games I'll be playing on the PS3 this month. Five if I pre-order soon enough to get a code for the PSN Dead Space game.

So it looks like I have my work cut out for me to keep up the pace while cheating with the Playstation. Fun work, though!

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