Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rabbid Mayhem!

I stopped by Wal-Mart and picked up a copy of Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (A day early, I think, according to the ads I've seen... Wal-Mart's not the best at reading street dates.) and got it for less than 30 bucks because it was placed in the first game's slot, thus it was mispriced.

I've only had time to play the first level (six minigames), but it's a whole lot of fun. Mostly because multiplayer is immediately playable, unlike the first game when you had to unlock everything. This game has obviously been designed to bring multiplayer to the forefront.

I played with my girlfriend, and she giggled her way through a couple of the stages. She's not into many games, so I think that is a good sign.

There wasn't any story to tie the stages together. The instruction book mentions Rayman trying to stop the Rabbid's evil crazy plans... but I didn't notice any storytelling going on. Perhaps there is some if you play single player? I'll check that out later, I suppose.

Most game had four bunnies on screen at the same time, playing football, showing their dance moves, and singing "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag" Rock Band style.

Side Note:
Wal-Mart did have displays for the 3 NextGen consoles in the Christmas Department... The Wii was set up to play Super Mario Galaxy; The Xbox 360 was playing Scene It (bizarrely, it was a widescreen tv, and the game was in widescreen display, but obviously not adapted to the set. So there were big black bars on the screen and the picture was scrunched so small that the words were illegible. Don't they check things like that?); And the PS3 was set up for Rock Band, with drums and new guitar. But the PS3 was not turned on. Go figure.

While just two of us played, the computer-controlled characters fought along, but were not given their own score. Apparently, we didn't have to do anything to beat the stages. We unlocked costumes, such as the bunny dressed as the guy from Assassin's Creed, but whether it was performance-based or just for participating... who knows? But there are lots of outfits to unlock. I look forward to it!

I liked watching the bunny performing the Singing In The Rain routine.

Oh, and if you don't get first place by the end of all six stages, you get abused by a truck.

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