Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sharing My Personal Bubble With Bigass Corporations

It's not very comforting to know that I'm paying fifty bucks a year to share my gaming information with who knows who.

I rented "skate." a few weeks ago, played it a bit... never really got into it because of its unusual controls and lack of automatic motion.

I finally logged into my hotmail account which is tied to my Xbox Live Gamertag... which I otherwise don't use. Usually I'm just there to clean out the inbox ever month or so.

There among the Microsoft newsletters and viagra spam was an email from EA, thanking me for registering my copy of skate with them.

Um, yeah. You're welcome.

EA will probably take this as an agreement for them to set up a facility on my lawn.

However, they did send a game tip:
To execute a Coffin, hold both grab buttons and the brake button at the same time.

I didn't even know there was a brake button. I never went fast enough to use it.

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