Thursday, December 6, 2007

Just Talkin' 'Bout the Wii

I saw an interesting screenshot of Super Smash Bros Brawl today. I normally don't care about screenshots of video games. They do nothing to capture the gameplay and often bring down the expected quality of the graphics. Have you ever looked at the gameplay pictures on a video game box? It's shocking that anyone would buy a game after seeing those indecipherable little colored squares.

Anyhoo, this particular image was focused on Bowser, doing whatever powerful attack he does. But it didn't quite look like Bowser. I realized they made him look like a combination of familiar ol' Bowser and of Ganondorf from the previous Smash Bros game. Look at the head... the hair and the face look like Ganondorf. Did I just never notice the resemblance before?

Now, it's just wishful thinking, but I thought that it would be an amazing new aspect to the standard gameplay if they actually allowed character combinations. They've had similar features before: It's basically Kirby's whole shtick. But what if any character could merge with another? Maybe even a level where the goal is to "absorb" all the others into yourself, or conversely, where you have to free the others from an already-formed combo-monster? (That would allow different story paths, depending on playing a good or evil character.) Perhaps even an odd two-player aspect where the merged characters fight for control of the body, or have to cooperate to fight?

It may sound a little weird, but it's just an idea to add to the formula. I worry about how many new characters and items they can add to the same foundation before the series just collapses on itself. They need to put out some new gameplay legs to support itself. We'll see if they've added anything really new when the game comes out next month. Oh, and online play doesn't count. I said something new.

While I was at IGN's Wii site vainly looking for that screenshot (I gave up 3 pages into the 60-plus pages of dull images... quality, not quantity,please!), I noticed the story of a third-party developer coming out with a wireless nunchuck controller. Finally! I've dislike how half-assed consoles are about implementing wireless operation. Nintendo is the worst offender since it has so far required that annoying floppy cord. There are wired peripherals for the 360 and the PS3, but they're optional or from third-party developers. While I'm at it: the long, thin cord for the Wii's sensor bar is annoying too!

To sum up... Future: Yay. Now: Meh.


Johnny Tenspeed said...

Was the Bowser you saw actually Giga Bowser maybe?

meager said...

Possibly could have been Giga Bowser. It was on page 12 of the Jan 2008 issue of GamePro, and thus it did not have any useful information with it whatsoever. The caption wittily remarked, "Now we know why they call it Smash Bros., huh?"