Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gaming Goals 2011 - January Wrap-Up

My Xbox Gamerscore stands at 75,725.

That's a total increase of 5,165 since I began working towards a goal just more a month ago.

I've completed the main portion of ten games. I need to only complete 49 more in the next 11 months to hit my goal of 150 by year's end. I'm on a good pace so far.

Three of those completed games were ones I began after the new year started. I've started four others (Deathspank, Plants Vs Zombie, Blood Stone and Crash Course) that I've yet to finish. Can I complete every Xbox game I begin this year? That's not an official goal, but it would be quite an accomplishment for me and might prove that I'm capable of actually finishing projects.

What I'm not doing so well with, is writing reviews. I'm waaaaaay behind on that. "One down, Nine to go" isn't very encouraging. I'll have to work on that.

Is it monumental to note I've played exactly 360 games on my 360?

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